senior session | lucy
i had the pleasure of working with lucy in this senior session. lucy will be a 2024 sheboygan south high school graduate.
for her session, lucy wanted an outdoorsy feeling, she also wanted to capture wildflowers and to get a shot with her flute. the kohler andrae horse trails were a perfect location for our shoot!
lucy seemed a little nervous to begin with, but within 5 minutes, i could tell that she would be a natural in front of the camera.
learn a little more about lucy
best advice you’ve ever been given:
Just keep swimming
what are your plans after high school? (college, gap year, straight to work?)
College most likely
favorite song to sing at the top of your lungs in the car? or, favorite song to chill out to in your room? Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners
what’s your favorite candy, or snack? Butterfingers!
what are the top 3 things on your bucket list?
1. Visit all 50 states
2. Eat at a Michelin star restaurant
3. Be fluent in a language
how was your experience during your senior session? why should other seniors book with miss lady jane studios? I had a lot of freedom and control over my session and it felt very natural and was fun!
my goal in every senior portrait session, is to embrace your senior and their personality. lucy’s final portraits definitely accomplished this!
are you interested in booking a senior photo shoot? let’s chat about what to expect with your senior session – from wardrobe to location options!
*please make sure to get permission before shooting on any and all private property!
for more suggestions for your senior session, check out: tips & tricks for a great senior session